December 01, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...Zzzzzz

I can say this movie is not suitable for the person who really love lots of action thriller kind of stuff. The movie started with good story line casting how the ‘guardian’ moving Harry porter to a safer place to protect him from Lord Voldemort and Death eaters. Members of the Order of the Phoenix are ambushed by Death Eaters as they attempt to escort Harry from the Dursleys' to a safe house by broomstick using decoys.

And the story continues about how Harry overcomes this dangerous situation and finding a way to destroy the Horcruxes…the ending part was bit extreme. And overall I can say you cant expect much things in this Part 1…hopefully Part 2 will have more exciting scenes and stories…. WARNING do not watch this movie after work or if you’re tired, sleepy etc… ;-)

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